Xingyi Quan Page
A Short History of Xingyi
The 12 Forms (updated 1/23/00)
A Brief Introduction to Xingyi Spear
Old Farmer Li (6/3/00)
Xingyi Basic Skills (4/15/01)
Xingyi Shi Er Hong
Chui (1/30/05)
For more information about the author, Liu Xiaoling go to
Xinyi Quan
Master Li Zunsi of Shanghai (1/15/06)
Xingyi Quan Eight Character Skills
For more information about the author, Liu Xiaoling go to
The Application of the Eight Character Skills
in Xingyi Quan (9/11/06)
Brief Introduction to Geng Style Xingyi Splitting Spear
The Teachings of Li Guichang
Errors and their Corrections in Xingyi Quan (6/30/12)